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Our lineage

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Kumu La'au Lapa'au Sylvester Keiliwaliu Kamaka Iki Ali'i Pa'akaula Kamoa Kamoa Kepilino 

(better known as Papa K)

1929 — 2008

The Hawaiian way emphasises how important it is to know your lineage... not just your personal ancestors but also those you have learned from.  The reasons for this include, but also go beyond, biology and family styles of massage (or hula, chants, etc), to acknowledge that any teacher can provide support and insight long after they have left their physical body.


Charlie Snow teaches Lomilomi with permission from Papa K, a Big Island Lomilomi master who comes from a long line of healing kahuna (specialised expert). Papa K also named The Blisstitute's foundation course as 'Spiritual Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage' training. 


Charlie has had the honour of learning Lomilomi in Hawai'i from Papa K as well as from Kumu Lomilomi Alva James Andrews, Aunty Maile Spencer Napoleon, Aunty Mary Fragas and Kumu Brenda Mohalapua Ignacio.   


All of the Lomilomi practitioners listed on this website who offer sessions around Australia, have been trained by Charlie Snow, and selectively invited to represent The Blisstitute of Living Aloha, because of their high level of professionalism and their commitment to living and sharing aloha through their Lomilomi practice. 


There is a Hawaiian saying that not all knowledge is learned in one school: A’ Ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka halau ho ‘okahi. One can learn from many teachers and sources. By the same token, teaching can focus on one thing but can actually teach more than that one thing. Teaching or learning about Lomilomi, for example, often overlaps with teaching and learning about aloha. A more complete list of Charlie's lineage (teachers and the key things Charlie learned from them) are listed below.



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Kumu La'au Lapa'au Sylvester Keiliwaliu Kamaka Iki Ali'i Pa'akaula Kamoa Kamoa Kepilino, better known as Papa K

Lomilomi and Ha (breathwork)

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 Kumu Lomilomi Alva James Andrews

— Lomilomi 

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Aunty Maile Spencer Napoleon

— Lomilomi 

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Aunty Mary Fragas

— Lomilomi and pregnancy Lomilomi

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Kumu Brenda Mohalapua Ignacio

— Lomilomi

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Aunty Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry

Ho'oponopono Ke Ala (making right more right the path)

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Kumu Pa'a Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki

Pa'a (unshakeable foundation) and oli (chants)

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Kumu Hula Keli’i Tau’a

Oli (chants)

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Kumu Raylene Ha‘alelea Kawaiaea

— The way of aloha

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Kumu Hula DJ Pelekai

— Hula

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Kumu Hula John Keola Lake

Oli (chant) and olele (language)

Mahalo (gratitude) also to the following people: Aunty Luana Jones (Hawai’i), about living aloha in today's times; Aunty Rebecca Avery (Hawai’i),about the way of aloha; Kyrian Van Vliet (Hawai’i), about hula; Kana Covington (Hawai’i), about living aloha in today's times; Serge Kahili King (Hawai’i), about shamanism; Nemara Hennigan (Australia), about Heartworks Lomilomi; Mette Sorenson (Australia), about Ka Huna massage; Tracey Ha’a’o’lakainapali (Australia), about Lomilomi; Jaye Seal (Australia), about ho'oponopono (making more right the right); and Kumu Pa’a Kawika Foster (Hawai'i), about Lomilomi, pa'a (unshakeable foundation), oli (chants) and hula.

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Kupuna Kaipo Kaneakua 

La'au lapa'au (plant medicine)

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