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The Blisstitute of Living Aloha is a Hawaiian wisdom and bodywork practice located in Meeanjin (Brisbane). It provides sessions and training across Australia and internationally.


Founded by Charlie Snow, it is an exciting and innovative venture with a mission to bring healing, love and light into the world through practical spiritual principles that can enhance all dimensions of a person's life. 


Through The Blisstitute Charlie’s intent is to provide opportunities for people to live their own truth by coming into their individual and collective power with passion, integrity and honesty — to be creators of a world that we actively choose to live in rather than accepting limitations that have been chosen for us. Charlie's ultimate dream is to make the joy, peace and fulfilment that is possible through Hawaiian wisdom accessible to as many people as possible.


Charlie has worked with thousands of clients over the past 19 years, and is the developer and teacher of all the Blisstitute courses as well as the transformational modality of Essence Dance. Charlie is honoured to train regularly with Hawaiian Elders in Lomilomi, Ho'oponopono and Hawaiian culture, and teaches Lomilomi with permission from Kiliwelu Kamaka Iki Ali'i Pa'akaula Kamoa Kamoa (better known as Papa K). 

The Blisstitute offers access to Lomilomi massage, to accredited training for people wishing to practice Lomilomi and continue their learning, to the unique Hawaiian form of talk therapy Ho’oponopono, to Essence Dance, and to a space for the aloha family to stay inspired and connected.


Activities through The Blisstitute are also meeting places for a community of Aloha Warriors — individuals committed to their own personal journey of growth — who are living and spreading aloha on the planet.

The Blisstitute of Living Aloha

Aloha is a way of being

where you are experiencing true joy, expressing yourself authentically, and living your passions with respect for yourself, others and the earth. Hawaiian wisdom has a lot to offer as we endeavour to come into our absolute fullness: living as masters of our own reality with a clear connection to our body, heart, mind and spirit. If you really want to live beyond what you have ever imagined possible, you will find that some or all of the things on this site support and enhance you living in aloha.

Why do we choose to share Hawaiian wisdom with the world?

Because it helps to remind us of our connection to all things.

In the Western world we are taught that we are all individuals, that we are isolated beings who are separate from each other, from the divine, and from the very process of creation. Most of us begin to learn this from the moment of birth, and we continue our lives being bombarded with the idea that we are powerless because someone or something else has ultimate power over us. There is also an inherent belief that the world is divided into mutually exclusive opposites such as light and dark, good and bad, feminine and masculine which enhances the idea of separateness and can lead to feelings like judgement and guilt. Hawaiian wisdom encourages us to see the connections, to see that there can be no dark without light, that both are simply energy in different forms... and that the only thing separating them is our perception. It reminds us that since we have the power to change our own perceptions, we also have the power to change the world around us that we are our own creators and are therefore part of creation itself.

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