During this one day workshop you will learn and practice the specialised techniques of giving lomilomi to people who are pregnant, whilst having the honour of working with actual pregnant bodies. We will cover all of the basics that you need to know about working with pregnant people, including setting up your space, communication, and contraindications, as well as extra things that you might like to provide if you would like to specialise in this area.
Cost: $300
Location: TBC
Duration: 1 day 10am - 4.30pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Spiritual Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage Training with The Blisstitute of Living Aloha
Maximum participants: 3
Deposit: 50% deposit is due a minimum of 2 weeks prior to course commencement. Payment in full is required by the first day of the workshop. The address will be given upon payment of deposit.
Lomilomi With Hot Stones Workshop
During this two day workshop you will learn how to use hot stones combined with lomilomi massage, and you will give and receive full sessions to deepen your learning.
We will cover all that you need to know to set up your own hot stones set as well as the energetic properties of working with na pohaku wela (hot stones) and creating relationship with them.
You do not need to bring your own hot stones, but if you have some and would like to practice with them, we invite you to bring them with you.
Cost: $450 full price / $380 concession
Location: TBC
Duration: 2 days, 10am - 4.30pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Spiritual Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage Training with The Blisstitute of Living Aloha
Maximum participants: 6​
Deposit: 50% deposit is due a minimum of 2 weeks prior to course commencement. Payment in full is required by the first day of the workshop. The address will be given upon payment of deposit.
*This workshop is for graduate students of The Blisstitute of Living Aloha only
Lomilomi Refresher Workshop
This one day workshop is a great opportunity for students to brush up on all of the basic lomilomi massage techniques from the Spiritual Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage Training. During this day your teacher will go over all of the techniques that you learnt, and you will have the opportunity to give and receive a full lomilomi each, as well as practice your oli (chant) and pule (prayer). We will also provide individual support to anyone who has questions around stepping into their professional practice, or taking their lomilomi giving to the next level.
Cost: $250 full price / $200 concession
(includes delicious vegan lunch + snacks)
Location: TBC
Duration: 1 days, 9.30am-6.30pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of Spiritual Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage Training with The Blisstitute of Living Aloha
Maximum participants: 8
Deposit: $50 deposit is due a minimum of 2 weeks prior to course commencement. Payment in full is required by the first day of the workshop. The address will be given upon payment of deposit.
The Blisstitute of Living Aloha is a registered and approved training provider with the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT). The IITC is recognised throughout the world for all types of complementary therapists. In order to gain insurance cover for your practice, it is recommended that you become a member of IICT (or another organisation) first. We have our insurance through AON, which we recommend to all of our graduates.
AON CONTACT DETAILS: www.aon.com.au
IICT CONTACT DETAILS: www.iict.com.au